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Elisabeth Jensen is a gifted healer and Principal of Auset Temple Healing who trains many Professional Auset Egyptian Temple Healers and Angel Miracles Psychics plus Holistic Hypnotherapists in Australia, Asia and Egypt.

✅How Can I Pandemic & Recession Proof My Career? ✅

As we face a future we did not quite expect & wonder where it will lead us in the eventually I thought to do a channeling on June 11 during my final free Facebook Live sessions. I was planning to focus on messages from Goddess Auset & Hamied Archangel of Miracles but Nostradamus said he couldn't miss the opportunity to join us also.

I must say Nostradamus has such a unique & very direct personality as opposed to the all loving & forgiving Archangels & the more spiritually focused Gods & Goddesses. Earlier in the year he started telling me about the Secret War affecting the world & that the Australia Bushfires were not a naturally occurring event so he's more focused  on those kinds of mysteries. For the record as I do get asked  I don't offer private channeling sessions with Nostradamus but may do so in the future. The Archangels & Deities I often channel during my readings but not at great length unless you are prepared to follow my specific instructions to get the most from these amazing sessions. For longer channeled readings I use a method similar to the famous prophet Edgar Cayce so if you have read books about his readings you would understand the method.& process to best receive detailed & specific information.

To see the recent Facebook Live just go to YouTube & "Facebook Live-June 11th Goddess Auset & Nostradamus World Predictions plus Group Healing" Video. The healing still works amazingly well even now. Visit plus do remember to Suscribe also please.
I am sorry for the sound of cars driving through the room at times & my words being heard long after I had actually spoken them on the video recording them but that's what can happen with Trance Channeling.

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Conrad Hughes