Newsletter Archive

Elisabeth Jensen is a gifted healer and Principal of Auset Temple Healing who trains many Professional Auset Egyptian Temple Healers and Angel Miracles Psychics plus Holistic Hypnotherapists in Australia, Asia and Egypt.

💝Christmas Meditation, Egypt Sacred Journey & January Courses💝

A special welcome to all those joining our Newsletter from the Melbourne Mind Body & Spirit Festival. Congratulations to Joanne the winner of the phone reading with myself Elisabeth.

Sorry I am very behind with this Newsletter as have been very busy with many things including my family visiting with the passing of my former husband Venu Sarma. So its been a sad time for us all but I am pleased I was home in Adelaide at this time. I am so grateful that as a medium I could receive a final message and ensure family and friends knew Venu was safe and well plus being his always sociable self as usual on the other side. Venu was Indian Malaysian and our relationship was not always smooth but it was part of our Soul Contract to be together and of course I now have a beautiful daughter Shanthi plus two very amazing grandkids that I adore. Plus of course from my Mother In Law a great love of the Hindu Deities.

I am constantly amazed at how the Spirit World arranges things in my life so I am always in the right place at the right time. Many people feel very worried about being in the wrong place at the wrong time but I find a combination of Angels. Gods and Goddess plus the Spirit World always keep me safe - providing of course I take the time to listen to them! 

Many people have been through, and are still are experiencing difficult times in 2019. Like everybody I feel the government should do more to assist those in need but while we are waiting I suggest we start to let go of the fear and anger of living in a world that seems to be rapidly being destroyed. Focus on finding and living your purpose in life plus your Soul Purpose of being here at this time. As you do this you can step back from the constant dramas in the news plus be an inspiration to others. We can't save the world with technology but when we combine it with spiritual science plus love, miracles do happen…

To read the rest of Elisabeth’s newsletter, click here.

Conrad Hughes