Newsletter Archive

Elisabeth Jensen is a gifted healer and Principal of Auset Temple Healing who trains many Professional Auset Egyptian Temple Healers and Angel Miracles Psychics plus Holistic Hypnotherapists in Australia, Asia and Egypt.

Love Your Life with Elisabeth & Sri at The Blue Lotus

I am truly excited to be returning to The Blue Lotus in Singapore to teach in June 2018. Since 2003 I have returned at least once each year to Singapore to teach so have a very good understanding of what my Singapore students are wanting to study plus Dream of Achieving. For myself I love Singapore and teaching there. For many their spiritual path does not involve working as a healer but when it does they usually study intensively in Auset Temple Healing. 

"You teach so many courses!" is what many people everywhere say but that's the way it is now - to work as a Healer or Hypnotherapist or Psychic you need lots of preparation and planning and resources to do all this!  I do think most students now appreciate it is the same as going to University to study for a Degree - that's about as much time and effort you should allow to prepare to work in this area if you want to be a true Professional. Long gone are the days when you did a few weekend workshops then set up practice - but often not for long before you head back to the safety of a regular paycheck.

That's why I now call my School


The Mind on many levels is studied in Centre For Complementary Healing Studies through our Hypnotherapy Practitioner & Diploma Courses...

To read the rest of Elisabeth's newsletter, click here.

Conrad Hughes