Newsletter Archive

Elisabeth Jensen is a gifted healer and Principal of Auset Temple Healing who trains many Professional Auset Egyptian Temple Healers and Angel Miracles Psychics plus Holistic Hypnotherapists in Australia, Asia and Egypt.

Heal Yourself & Become a Professional Auset Healer at Mystical Dragon

I have been a naturally gifted healer since a mystical experience in 1992 & teaching healing since 1996. First I taught Therapeutic Touch which has a strong research background & I used this in my nursing & private practice for many years with excellent results. I also am a Reiki & Isis Seichim Master & taught both of these healing methods also.

Many people ask me the difference in my system of Auset Healing to say Reiki and all I can really say is they are very different ! As well it takes time and practice to master Auset Healing but the time is very worthwhile if you want to become an amazingly effective Professional Healer who is confident in their ability to assist most clients - its far more effective & advanced than Reiki, although Reiki is a good beginning modality & I attune students to Universal Healing Energy in Auset Healing Level 1...

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Conrad Hughes