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Elisabeth Jensen is a gifted healer and Principal of Auset Temple Healing who trains many Professional Auset Egyptian Temple Healers and Angel Miracles Psychics plus Holistic Hypnotherapists in Australia, Asia and Egypt.

Bookings Closing soon for Final John of God Trip of 2016

After a wonderful week in Melbourne teaching Angel Miracles I am back in Adelaide and busy taking final bookings for my John of God Journey:
Pilgrimage of Miraculous Healing to John of God in Brazil
Catching up with several participants from the April Journey they shared stories of their healing miracles after the April Journey - ranging from healing of Sleep Apnea to severe auto immune disorders & difficult to treat eye conditions plus complete instant healing from cancer and leukemia - that one was by distance healing.

Plus the incredible gifts of emotional healing and greatly magnified clairvoyance and healing abilities were shared by many others.  So please do book soon as I am closing bookings on July 20th or soon as we are full. You can secure your place with a deposit of US$950 & then final payment is due by September 1st...

Click here to read more.

Conrad Hughes